Where The Bike Takes Me

Continuing this journey of cycling in efforts to get into shape, lose weight, enjoy the outdoors, and save my knees from their arthritic state at 28 years of age.

Cycling Indoors December 29, 2007

Filed under: cycling — f8th637 @ 2:20 pm

This year, I decided not to get a gym membership and instead decided I would get a 1up Bicycle Trainer after doing some research on the internet. It is more expensive than most trainers out there but let me tell you it is a great piece of engineering. It is solid and sturdy and I don’t need a front block. There is no mess and it provides me a great workout. I also recently purchased the first 1.0 Spinerval DVD, No Slackers Allowed. Yeah, it kicks my ass. I set up the bike in the spare bedroom so that I have to look at it and it calls out to me when I’m being a slacker. I do miss fitness classes though but until I’m going regularly I don’t think I should commit myself to a gym membership plus we have mini-gyms at the office and in our complex.  Can’t wait till I get over this cold!


Dear Mr. Rider . . . December 18, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — f8th637 @ 1:17 pm

Dear Mr. Rider,

I saw you trudging up that hill on that busy road this morning with your bright red backpack.  I can tell you had some experience doing this ride in the morning as evident by the way you tucked your pant legs into your socks so as not to get them caught in your drivetrain.  And I do really feel bad for you taking a chance to commute down Route 7 westbound across the overpass of 495.  I know the city/county is to blame for not giving pedestrians (many of whom I see daily) and cyclists a safe way down Route 7 without having to play chicken with the cars hopping off 495 or coming from said highway.  However, I must implore you, as a cyclist driving her car to work this morning having to hop ON to 495 from Route 7, PLEASE, PLEASE ride your bike like a car.  The fact that you crossed the on-ramp to continue on your merry way almost caused a chain-reaction pile-up behind you.  I had to slam my brakes hard in order not to hit the car in front of me who had to slam their brakes hard in order to not hit the car in front of them and so on and so forth.  PLEASE, PLEASE read “The Art of Urban Cycling” or attend the League of American Bicyclists’  Road I course or practice vehicular cycling.  Stand your ground and make your ride safer for you and the rest of us.


A concerned cyclist driving to work this morning